Farewell to Charly Rainer Ehrenpreis
On the night of July 2nd–3rd, our beloved friend Charly Rainer Ehrenpreis, co-founder of Tamera as well as many other projects, left the earthly world.
Leila Dregger, July 11 2019

During his last days and nights he was accompanied devotedly by his partner Jasmin, and we are sure that on the other side he will be received with equally loving arms.
We have a big thank you to you, Charly. Your heart has always been a shining compass for your actions – and you have been a source of inspiration, home and orientation for countless people that you met on your journey through life. With a tremendous power, you turned visions into reality and were ready to take on great responsibility again and again on the way towards creating a new culture.
Your heart beat for the youth and the children, you loved to travel with them in the world – to other communities and also to crisis areas.
You knew the starry sky and loved to explore the functional logic of nature, even though there was often too little time for it.
We give thanks to your great source of intimate divine guidance, for your great model Jesus Christ, who has accompanied you since your youth, and for all the angels who were and are with you. Pilgrimages became more and more your source of strength and a pathway to God, and we were often amazed at your stamina in them.
A few years ago, despite your great love for Tamera, you set out with the vision of building the “community of communities” in Switzerland, how you called it. Even though it was difficult for many of us to let you go, it was never a separation and we always knew about your fidelity to the vision of the plan of Healing Biotopes. You wrote us: “Everyone in Tamera is not only doing their daily work, but is also building the Cathedral of the New Era!”
In all this, your greatest gift to the world was your voice and your music. With it you were able to gather people in different places in one spirit and sing the frequency of a new Earth directly into their hearts.
Love also led you on new paths. In recent years you discovered partnership with your girlfriend Jasmin.
In the end, you were looking for a life where you would no longer build projects, but dedicate yourself entirely to life as a musician and spread your pure heart power. Together we looked for suitable pictures to connect your big energy lines. Until the end we kept the door to a possible healing miracle open. But life has chosen a different path. It is not easy for us to accept that, but your music helps us to process the grief. “I want singing, I want playing and dancing, I want you to have a great time. I want singing, I want play and dance if you bury me under the lawn.”
We wish your soul a good journey – and we’ll keep a place for you forever in our midst and in our hearts.