Peace News

Keep up with the latest news from Tamera and our global network here: reports, featured articles, thought pieces and all the latest press coverage about us. Check back for regular updates!

Tamera & Global Network

Get the latest on Tamera research and news from projects we are connected with around the world.
See the Tamera & Global Network page for more.

online summit

What does water want ?

A summit on restoring ecosystems and ourselves

Emily Coralyne & Martin Winiecki, July 22 2024

documentary premiere

Water is Love

A movie about ecosystem restoration produced by the Tamera media team.

Ludwig Schramm & Rosa Pannitschka, May 14 2024


Carnation Revolution

 50 years since April 25: Honoring the Past, Envisioning the Future

Fátima Teixeira, Rui Braga & Uri Ayalon, April 25 2024


Read articles and thought pieces from members of Tamera and our cooperation partners. See the Features page for more.


The Terrible Legacy of Mankind

How trauma prompts people to commit the atrocities we’ve seen throughout history and that are happening right now in Gaza. How can we end this vicious cycle?

Dieter Duhm, March 31 2024


Israel-Palestine: What Could Be a Nonviolent Path Forward for Ending Oppression?

What if a “peace process” wasn’t another futile attempt at finding compromise between two corrupt political systems but rather a bottom-up process working with the needs of everyone involved?

Martin Winiecki, January 22 2024


Dieter Duhm - Middle East

I have experienced several times how supposed enemies have turned into friends when I met them without fear and defense.

Dr. Dieter Duhm, November 2023