Trump: A Catalyst for the Peace Movement?
Dieter Duhm, December 6 2017

Donald Trump is the commander-in-chief of the biggest military force on Earth. There’s no societal power above him, that’s why he can do whatever he wants. What does he want? Or does he, perhaps, not have any own will, and is steered by other powers?
If you look at what he’s done up until now, you recognize something astonishingly systematic. He’s neither crazy nor playing, but a kind of human machine, which destroys with impeccable consistency all humanitarian progress that previous governments have made in collaboration with the international community. Everywhere, he fuels the conflicts until they erupt. His threat to destroy all of North Korea is just one of many examples. His latest move is to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move the U.S. embassy there – that is, into a city which, up until today, has been a historic sacred center for Judaism, Christianity and Islam alike and that’s home to a part of the Arab world too. This is a masterstroke of demonic sharpness – he wants to turn this historic city into the capital of the Israeli state and thereby, into a stronghold of American Imperialism. It’s the next step toward the complete submission of the Palestinians and the Muslim world to the power-hungry interests of a fully Americanized Israeli state.
What does all this mean? It’s clear that all these measures combined would result in a global war, World War 3, after which there could no longer be any new beginning. If, however, something like a world spirit existed, which doesn’t want such devastation, then other ideas would emerge. It’s as if currently all looming conflicts are activated, all old sores reopened and all buttons pushed, so that humanity finally rises up and confronts all this viciousness with an ultimate NO. No to the entire insanity of capitalism’s kleptocratic culture. No to the killings that are committed on behalf of this culture every single day.
This perfect extermination strategy of the American president is something like a “yellow card” brandished to all of humanity. Do we, perhaps, live in a cosmic scenario where someone like Trump was promoted to become the commander-in-chief of the biggest military force on Earth, as an embodiment of anti-humanism, to provoke such a collective “no”? Someone that’s come to call out to all of us: show me a truly convincing alternative! Put an end to your pseudo-democracy, behind which the lobbies of banks and corporations have long been pulling the strings. End your liberal hypocrisies and old loyalties. Help the world, stand by the refugees, by those who’ve been deprived of their livelihoods and chased away, who’re starving and dying of thirst – and stand by the animals too. Develop a global movement and coordinating power that’s able to actually offer such assistance. Study and comply with the universal precepts of life that are given by a higher world order, which is reflected as an ethical imprint in all human beings. For a free Earth, Terra Nova. In the name of love for all that lives.