Autonomy – the Call of Our Times

Exploring Tamera’s research findings & learning how to build a Biogas System with Fabio Miranda

This 12-day seminar will offer you an introduction to the Healing Biotopes Plan and insight into the project’s foundational ideas and the different areas of our work, including technology, spirituality, global peacework, sexuality and love. We will place special emphasis on the issue of autonomy at the community and personal level and how these two are interdependent, exploring inner autonomy, what Tamera has already achieved in the areas of regeneration and sustainability and sharing our questions and unrealized visions. It will include a workshop „How to Build a Biogas System“ with Fábio Miranda (August 6 – 8).

We particularly welcome people who carry a similar dream and want to participate in manifesting it together. Tamera offers many opportunities for material construction and for engaging in electrical projects (taking care of our hybrid insular solar system), general maintenance, maintaining our water supply system, the technical support and maintenance of our Solar Test Field, helping in the mechanical workshop and more.
During these 12 days we also intend to get to know each other and explore possibilities for hands-on cooperation beyond the seminar.

“You never change anything by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Buckminster Fuller

Program Details

The seminar will be guided by Barbara Kovats. Barbara is passionate about research in technology and energy supply systems; she helped co-create the Solar Test Field in Tamera.
In the mornings we will dive into questions such as: What are regenerative life practices? What might settlements that are in full cooperation with nature look like? What are the fundamental aspects of autonomy? How does this translate to managing water, food, energy, seeds and designs for shelter? And, in acknowledging that nature does not know the concept of waste, what is the idea of “Cradle to Cradle” and what does it mean to close cycles? We will do practical work on Tamera’s community food storage and food processing, mainly with solar energy and biogas. We will do this in the Test Field and explore the solar kitchen. This will be a community experience, exchanging with each other, singing and using our hands to receive the gifts of nature.
In the afternoons we will look into the basic thoughts of the Healing Biotopes Plan and the main areas of Tamera: What is peace work? What are Healing Biotopes? How can people live together in truth and trust? What is needed for us human beings to again become the autonomous beings we are meant to be? You will gain an insight into the experience of living in a community.

Biogas Workshop

We have the pleasure and honor to host a team from the Favela da Paz in São Paulo (Brazil). Fabio Miranda will be with us! He is musician, researcher, permaculturist and inventor in renewable energies and project manager in Sustainable Technologies at the Favela da Paz Institute, where he developed multiple sustainable and functional energy systems through processes of environmental awareness and propagation of strategies for a culture of peace. He created the Sustainable Periphery project, which focuses on the implementation of Renewable and Functional Energy systems in peripheral communities in the city of São Paulo and throughout Brazil. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, he will lead a workshop about how to build your own biogas system. From Sunday, 6th of August 4pm until Tuesday, 8th of August 7pm. This workshop will be open for people to attend only at this specific time. You can sign up here.

The program will be composed of

  • Presentations and Q&A sessions with different community members
  • Studying together, exploring thoughts and experiences that inspire us
  • Guided tours and visits to special departments, i.e. the Solar Test Field and the Water Retention Landscape, houses that have been built with natural material, the upcycling workshop and more
  • Spaces for deeper conversation and community building
  • Experiencing community building with forum
  • Time in nature for contemplation and connection
  • Hands on work for some help in sustainability like sun drying tomatoes, harvesting fruit
  • Working with the solar kitchen
  • Inviting and working with dreams
  • Participating in events for the whole community, i.e. our Sunday matinée, the Ring of Power and Political Cafés.


Sliding Scale from
€440 to €730
(including seminar fee, board & accommodation)

Why are we using a sliding scale?

Please consider applying for or donating to our solidarity fund if you can’t pay the lower end of the sliding scale or want to support others.

Our invitation to Portuguese nationals.

Payment Policy

Once you have filled out the registration form, we will send you an email with instructions on how to pay.
Please note that in order to confirm your registration, at a minimum, you must pay a non-refundable registration fee of €100.


Dormitories, own van, or own tent.
A room in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost.


Vegan full board



Arrival and Departure

Please arrive the day before the course begins and depart the day after the course finishes.


Please note that it’s not possible to bring children to this course.


Please note that it’s not possible to bring pets to this course.