Short Documentary: Resisting Abusive
Agro-Industry in Portuguese Natural Park

Abusive agro-industry is rapidly destroying and contaminating the Southwest Alentejano and Costa Vicentina Natural Park, while exploiting tens of thousands of migrant workers under inhumane, slave-like conditions. This 6-minute documentary gives an overview of what is happening and shows the rising movement for protecting the natural park, water and basic human rights, through the lens of a recent demonstration in Lisbon.

Martin Winiecki, June 11 2021

In October 2019, the Portuguese government permitted the greenhouse surface area in the natural park to be expanded three-fold. On June 1, the Portuguese parliament debated a petition launched by the movement “Juntos pelo Sudoeste,” which calls for an immediate stop of greenhouse expansion and for addressing the ecological and humanitarian crisis at hand. Meanwhile various associations and movements – including Tamera – held a demonstration outside the parliament.

Help us protect the Southwest Alentejano and Costa Vicentina Natural Park and take this issue to European Parliament by:

  • Sending this video to the Members of European Parliament you know.
  • Signing the petition.
  • Financially supporting “Juntos pelo Sudoeste” to defend the case in court

Thanks to “Juntos pelo Sudoeste” for organizing the demonstration and the other associations/organizations involved: Associação ZERO, Climáximo, Greve Climática Nacional, Movimento Alentejo Vivo, Rota Vicentina, Tamera, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Call Centers.

And all the musicians: Nuno Salvado, Lúcia Silva, Ritmos da Resistência
Video Production: Tamera Media & Ludwig Schramm
Music: Kai Engel – Cendres & Zeca Afonso – Vejam Bem (Nyvs Edit)