Martin Winiecki

I’m a networker, writer and the leader of Tamera’s Institute for Global Peacework.


I was born in Dresden, Germany in 1990 and I’ve been politically engaged since my early youth. In 2006, I took a break from school to join Tamera’s Monte Cerro Peace Education. After a year, I decided to finish 3 years of peace studies in Tamera, rather than returning to a conventional education path. My training included traveling to crisis areas, taking part in the “Grace Pilgrimages” to the Middle East and Colombia. From 2008, I’ve worked with the Institute for Global Peacework, helping to establish a global network for Tamera.

What Motivates Me

I’m aware that we live in times of rapid, accelerating change and that alongside the unimaginable suffering of people, animals and nature, there’s a revolutionary awakening taking place in this world. I’m convinced that my generation will be able to abolish war, oppression and injustice if we can unite the many groups working for a better world in a common vision for the future.

My Role in Tamera

I’ve led the Institute for Global Peacework since 2013, networking and campaigning, organizing international events and providing online education. I’ve published writings in various outlets, among them, Kosmos Journal, TruthOut, CommonDreams, The Indypendent and Tikkun. Since 2017, I’ve organized the Defend the Sacred international activist gatherings and dedicated myself to building a global alliance.