Vera Kleinhammes

I’m one of Tamera’s next-generation leaders, a community builder in service of the planetary movement and the leader of the Global Campus.


I was born into the project in southern Germany in 1984. My parents were centrally involved in the social experiment of that time. I grew up in this protected, and at the same time, very artistic and creative community, living together with other children and being able to approach many adults as my “mothers” and “fathers.” In 1991, we moved to ZEGG near Berlin, where I also attended public school.

I started visiting Tamera when it was founded in 1995. When I was 14 years old, I decided to come live in Tamera for a whole year – to consciously explore what the project stands for. The deeper I understood it, the more I fell in love with it and decided to stay. From 2000–2001, I participated in my first winter education in Tamera – School Mirja –  focusing on the “sacred matrix.” After this, all the young participants and I committed to stay together in Tamera, studying in this intensity for one whole year. This turned into a radical community experiment, and it was this group of students that became second-generation leaders a few years after that.

Ever since I came to Tamera, I’ve been very connected to our planetary network, seeking to be of service to courageous peace workers and initiatives especially in crisis areas and countries of the Global South. I’ve accompanied many “Grace Pilgrimages.” Later, together with my partner Benjamin, I took on leadership in establishing our Israel-Palestine network.

In recent years, I’ve also taken responsibility in what we humorously call our “government,” keeping an eye on the well-being of our community, internal coordination, communication and supporting internal decision-making processes.

What Motivates Me

Time and again, I’m deeply moved by both the unspeakable beauty of this planet and the reality of the abysmal suffering of infinite beings every day. I see trust as the radical and revolutionary power that can heal humanity’s wounded heart. Restoring trust gives rise to a potential for healing that is so much greater than we can imagine. It’s for this reason that I think that one of the most important tasks that we have at the moment is to create structures where trust between all that lives can arise once again. This will enable us to direct the current global transformation in a positive direction.

My Role in Tamera

Ever since 2011, I’ve dedicated myself to the Global Campus, accompanying partner projects in different countries, holding educational events in Tamera and in the Global South, and guiding groups through crisis areas. At the same time, I accompany groups in Tamera.

I’m the mother of 3 children – two sons born in 2007 and  2016, and a daughter in 2018.