October 2 – 29, 2023

Community as a Way to Peace Knowledge

We want to research an alternative model of life – living in community. Community is a political decision for cooperation with all that lives, beyond suppression and exploitation – an essential political call in our times. This 4-week course will guide you through the essential learnings of community based on the Healing Biotopes Plan – the global peace plan at the heart of our work. You’ll study and experience how a group based on truth, transparency and trust can develop. We’ll extend our view to include animals, plants and invisible beings into our experience of community. We invite you to begin the journey as a peace worker by understanding and practicing the foundational ethics of community living. Welcome to this evolutionary adventure!

“If one wants to know how humankind functions, one should learn how a group functions, for a group contains all the light and shadow sides of our human existence within it.”

Dieter Duhm, Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love

Program Details

Join fellow students from different countries, united by the decision to walk the path of education to become peace workers. During these 4 weeks of intensive learning we’ll study the connection between inner work and the political power that comes from it. Through being connected, we hold a powerful key for transformation. A group that finds ways to transform fear, mistrust and jealousy into truth, trust and research can be an acupuncture point for peace.

In this time you’ll get a sense of what the shift from a private to a communitarian way of life means. We aim to study, live and work in a way that you’ll have the chance to experience a kind of trust you might not yet believe is possible. Be ready to let go of old habits and see yourself as the training ground of the transformation you want to see in the world. You’ll thereby gain insight into how you can collaborate in building a global field for a new peaceful culture.

You’ll explore:

  • the “Healing Biotopes Plan,” or why we still see a possibility for global healing, despite the unfolding global catastrophes
  • the basic ethics of community
  • the power of truth and trust for the basis of a new culture
  • the foundational thoughts on freeing love and sexuality from fear, mistrust and suppression, moving from a world dominated by patriarchy to a radically new culture based on partnership and trust
  • the universal healing power of life
  • the logic of the “sacred matrix” as a unifying force
  • the importance of regaining inner autonomy for outer autonomy.

The program will be composed of: 

  • presentations and Q&A sessions with leaders from the community
  • study hours
  • regular forum work
  • spiritual exercises and artistic experiential spaces
  • Love School
  • karma yoga and hands-on service
  • experiencing spaces in connection with the larger family of life
  • participating in events for the whole community, e.g. our Sunday matinee, the Ring of Power and Political Cafes.

For a deeper insight into what and how you’ll learn – please see the Core Curriculum and our educational philosophy.

October 2 – 29, 2023

October 2 – 29, 2023


Please write a one page application including your name, age, date of birth, where you’re from, your professional and educational background, and your motivation to join this course to
This application is due latest by September 1st. We invite you to consider first participating in an Introduction Week or an online course offered by Tamera.


Sliding Scale from
€2210 to €3560
(including seminar fee, board & accommodation)

Why are we using a sliding scale?

Please consider applying for or donating to our solidarity fund if you can’t pay the lower end of the sliding scale or want to support others.

Our invitation to Portuguese nationals.

Payment Policy

Once you have filled out the registration form, we will send you an email with instructions on how to pay.
Please note that in order to confirm your registration, at a minimum, you must pay a non-refundable registration fee of €510.


Dormitories, own tent, or own van.
A room in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost.


Vegan full board



Arrival and Departure

Please arrive the day before the course begins and depart the day after the course finishes.


Please note that it’s not possible to bring children to this course.


Please note that it’s not possible to bring pets to this course.

The Team

Our experienced elders Barbara Kovats and Andrea Regelmann and a team of Tamera community members will guide you through this month.

October 2 – 29, 2023
